

Meet Terri Crosby

My life began on a small farm in Iowa. Since then, I’ve lived in a number of states, but spent the most time in Southern California.  In 2009, the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, NC became my home.

Many of us can relate to how hard it can be to get along with someone we love, even with a  commitment and a desire to make the relationship work.  Did you know that approximately 50% of first marriages end in divorce, 60-67% of 2nd, and 73% of third? A whopping 93% of 4th marriages dissolve in under five years.  

Some good news:  We are not doomed to follow the statistics.  What if one change could create a profound turnaround in the quality and length of a partnership?

It turns out that our being happy and satisfied in a relationship isn’t so much about our partner. It’s about us. Keeping our attention on ourselves and our changes is not a walk in the park. It takes intention and commitment. But the practice of concentrating exclusively on our own actions, words, and reactions creates profound, long-lasting, positive influences in our relationships with others.  

You’ll be glad to know that one person who takes full responsibility in a partnership doesn’t create a lazy, passive partner, or a lopsided relationship. It actually empowers both people. One person being true to themselves invites the best from their partner, too. When one individual shifts, the relationship shifts. It takes one person to transform a relationship.

Although I am a psychotherapist myself, I have turned to Terri Crosby to assist me in my personal relationships over the course of many years. I experienced her as being very fair to both parties in her couples work. Although I have known her work professionally as a colleague for many years, my new partner felt safe, too. You will be in good hands with Terri!

—Dr. Toni Galardi

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North Carolina, USA

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